The Cubicle: A Workspace Revolution

Back in 1968, when Herman Miller designer, Bob Propst, wrote The Office: A Facility Based on Change proposing the first open-plan panel system, he envisioned the possibilities of what an office should and could be.  He studied the way people work and noticed that the problem with the traditional office was its inability to handle … Read more

Office Cubicles Reading PA

If you’re searching for office cubicles in the Greater Reading, it’s a no brainer who has been the area’s  most reliable provider of high-end office furniture.  Ethosource has been designing offices for local businesses of all sizes and styles since the company’s start in 2001.  Our employees are community members and professionals just like the … Read more

What Does Your Office Say About You?

We all know the importance of looking and acting professional in the workplace, but if your workplace itself doesn’t look the part, it’ll speak louder than any nice pair of pants or shirt will. Your office says a lot about your personality, and in turn, about your business.   A messy desk could mean a brilliant … Read more

Office Cubicles with Glass

Herman Miller Ethospace is one of the most well-known, popular cubicle systems in the world, withstanding numerous office trends over the years by evolving and adapting to changing work needs.  The reason this system has been able to remain so relevant in the world of office furniture is due to it’s flexibilty and durability in which … Read more

Office Desk Furniture

One of the biggest components when creating a great-looking, functional office space is your desk.  It can not only determine productivity and organization, but aesthetically, it’s one of the most prominent features in an office.  A quality desk can make an impression on customers and guests while being the difference between a happy employee and … Read more

Recycling Your Way to a Cleaner Office

                      Just because many of us practically live at our desks, doesn’t mean it has to look that way.    It’s a little too easy to let the clutter build up as the work piles on, and it doesn’t take an expert to know a … Read more

Office Desks Allentown

The modern office has led to some unique layouts and new developments in furniture to help accommodate the changing work styles.  There are a ton of unique options for high-end desks and tables that provide various work surfaces that adjust to the differing needs of users.  Ethosource knows that your office responsibilities require certain furniture that help you be productive throughout … Read more

Office Desks Baltimore

With so many different styles of office desks out there, there are infinite possibilities to provide your employees the offices they need to be productive and happy.   At the same time, it can be overwhelming to begin the search for the right desks at the right place.  Lucky for you, this expansive selection is well … Read more

Office Desks DC

When looking for a new office desk (or multiple office desks), you need to consider a few things:  How much am I willing to pay? How will the desk be used? What components are necessary to aid my work style?  What storage or accessories are necessary?  Lucky for you, there are tons of styles and … Read more

A Flexible Office for a Growing Team

                      The start of the new year has brought new additions to the EthoSource team and new alterations to the company’s workplace. The Sales Department recently welcomed new Sales Assistants, Chelsea Killinger and Lisa Bachman. Chelsea received a BS in Interior Design from IUP in … Read more