Office Cubicles Allentown

Here’s the situation: your Allentown office is in need of new cubicles. You know you want something that looks contemporary and fresh, but you still want employees to have some privacy and personal space.  Besides that, you don’t know much else about what cubicles you want, or even cubicles in general.  Don’t worry, EthoSource is here … Read more

Office Furniture that Goes the Extra Mile

There are a lot of creative ways to stay active in your cubicle.  From the arm dips on your task chair to the less obvious trip to the water fountain, people are constantly trying to incorporate exercise into the long workday.  But now, these methods have been incorporated into your office equipment as well, so … Read more

Office Cubicles Baltimore

As the largest city in Maryland, Baltimore has a wide range of businesses in various industries with very different needs for office furniture.  Not every office style is the same, even down to the individual employee.  There are unique differences in every office depending on the work tasks that are done on a regular basis … Read more

Common Mistakes in Buying Office Furniture

Buying office furniture can be a big investment for your company.  The value and importance of the products you purchase will extend far beyond their aesthetics.  Furniture has the ability to influence health, productivity, profits and the overall happiness of your employees as well as your guests.  There are a few things to consider when … Read more

Office Cubicles DC

From open office spaces to full privacy layouts, the diversity between what cubicle systems can now create for the modern office provides a huge range of possibilities for customers.  At EthoSource, we create beautiful office environments for customers in DC with the most durable and flexible refurbished cubicle system in the industry.  Since this is our … Read more

EthoSource does the Harlem Shake

It just didn’t seem right for us to not share the events that occurred in the EthoSource warehouse yesterday morning on our website.  Yes, it’s already  gone viral through Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, but since it’s already on track to be one of our most popular Youtube videos ever, it warrented another mention on … Read more

Office Cubicles NYC

As a nationwide specialist in new, used and pre-owned office furniture,  EthoSource has worked with companies of all sizes, in multiple cities across the US.  As a smaller business with a big involvement in our local community charities, organizations and fellow businesses, we value our various relationships and make customer service our top priority.  With … Read more

Office Cubicles Philadelphia

The Liberty Bell, The Museum of Modern Art, the National Constitution Center… Philadelphia is filled with historic and cultural importance that has made it a popular city to live and visit. The city is the center of economic activity in Pennsylvania with various businesses and Fortune 500 companies that are in the area. EthoSource has … Read more

Finding the Perfect Filing System…Vertical Vs. Lateral File

Recently, I wrote an article on fun little ways to recycle household items into storage options for your office.  I still fully suggest to anyone to try some of those creative options to get your space more organized.  But we must also consider all that additional clutter that accumulates throughout the work week that requires … Read more

Office Cubicles Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh is home to a large variety of businesses as Pennsylvania’s second largest city, leading in innovations and multiple industries from transportation and retail to electronics and sports.  No matter how different these businesses are, they all need an office environment that will help them be most productive so they cant continue to grow and … Read more