On the 4th Day of Office Tips…

I think it’s safe to say everyone likes their workspace at least somewhat organized, right?  However, depending on your office space, a filing cabinet or pedestal may actually clutter your space and just make things worst.  Yes, all your papers are filed away nicely, but now you can’t get out of your chair without banging … Read more

Sustainable Business Chooses Green Office

KPIT ‘s business model is simple: to create a cleaner, greener and more intelligent world.  They’re accomplishing this through providing high-quality, less-costly technologies that help businesses succeed while using less materials and energy.  With these aspirations in the forefront of their daily work, it makes sense that this company would come to Ethosource to refurnish their ... Read more

Ethosource Furniture National Network

In addition to selling office furniture in Philadelphia, we also sell new, used and refurbished furniture nationwide. Below are just some of the cities and states that we sell new office furniture, used office furniture and refurbished office furniture.  From conference tables, to cubicles, Herman Miler Ethospace cubicles, desks, chairs and more. Be sure to … Read more

An Ergonomic Office Transformation

Today, it’s impossible to talk about workplace health without the mention of the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle.  This is largely due to the fact that the average worker partakes in this lifestyle by sitting 8-10 hours a day.  This means the average worker is significantly increasing his or her risk of Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, … Read more

Customizing Your Office Cubicles

Whoever said cubicles are a thing of the past was seriously mistaken.  They also most likely have never heard of Herman Miller Ethospace, and definitely don’t know its capabilities as a dynamic cubicle system. Lucky for you, we’ll help you avoid this misguidance you may have stumbled upon online somewhere and give you the real lowdown … Read more

Design the Best Office Layout For You

I don’t think I need to elaborate too much on the fact that every business has very different workplace needs.  We get it.  Each company has unique responsibilities required of their employees to be productive and successful.  Makes sense.  This is also why every workplace isn’t designed the same way.  The “open office trend” may be … Read more

Benching-Style Workstations Allow Great Views of Potomac

For one data analytics solutions business in Alexandria, Virginia, their company name is also a great way to describe their cool, waterfront office space.   With a name like Fishbowl and panoramic views of the beautiful Potomac River, it kinda fits the bill.  This office certainly took advantage of their surroundings when choosing their office … Read more

“High-End” and “Expensive” are Not Synonyms in Office Design

Creating a high-end, modern office space does not necessarily follow the “go big or go home” mantra.  We know that places like Google and Facebook are notorious for these type of office design featuring slides from one floor to another and actually gardens growing in between their desks, but hey, if your business has the money, why not build that indoor aquarium or golf course you’ve wanted?  … Read more

The Power of the Huddle Room

As business continues to become more fast-paced, trends in workplace design are trying to keep up.  The concept of collaboration seems to be the driving force behind modern office layouts, but establishing the best way to achieve this without sacrificing other necessary aspects of productivity is a work in progress.  So what’s the latest solution that’s having a … Read more

Filing Cabinets Philadelphia

Every office needs storage. Even in an open office layout, there are storage solutions that help employees keep their work belongings safe and organized.  There are a variety of options for storage and filing that meet the specific needs of different offices and employees.  At EthoSource, we have a large selection of new and used … Read more