
Community We feel it is our duty to contribute back to our communities. The following are various charities, contributions and events we have had the privilege of being part of. United Way     Berks Nature     The Believe in Tomorrow House By The Sea     Muscular Dystrophy Association     Caron Treatment ... Read more

The Key to a Well-Balanced Workplace

Finding Your Office Chi:   The rules of workplace design are almost non-existent at this point.  The days of uniformity and isolation are over, but so is the need to have the trendiest and most open layouts possible.  The best way to create a workable and adaptable space for your employees is finding the right balance of it … Read more

Commercial Office Furniture

When a company is experiencing change, their office furniture is a big part of that transition.  Whether the business is  upgrading, downsizing, redesigning, or simply relocating, there is a lot to consider for such large amounts of office furniture. If you’re company is in need of a certain service regarding your commercial office furniture, Ethosource … Read more

Biggest Mistakes When Buying Office Furniture

Whether you’re moving intoa new space or redesigning your current workplace, buying new office furniture is a big deal.  Many don’t realize the process and investment involved in furnishing an entire space.   This isn’t bad news though! It’s an exciting new chance to create an office you love and take advantage of all the … Read more

School Receives New Classroom Chairs

The Bridge Way School Receives New Classroom Chairs, Lounge Chairs If there is one thing that will never change about Ethosource’s company philosophy, it’s our belief in giving back to the company we live and work in every day! This is why we were more than happy to help The Bridge Way School, a recovery … Read more

Conference Tables NYC

One of the most important aspects of a workplace is the presence of teamwork.  Especially now, in the modern office, more and more companies are turning to create solutions to encourage collaboration, while enabling employees to maintain varying degrees of privacy that they require to concentrate.  In New York City, we have seen companies creating … Read more

Surviving Monday after the Super Bowl

The big weekend is here.  The celebrated Peyton Manning will be playing for his second Super Bowl ring against the MVP-favorite Cam Newton in Super Bowl 50! Even if you don’t have a team you’re rooting for, it’s a time to get together with friends and family for delicious, totally-worth-all-the-calories food, yummy drinks and hilarious commercials.  The problem?  It’s a … Read more

Conference Tables Philadelphia

Collaboration areas are becoming an increasingly popular and important part of the workplace.  The open office has featured various degrees of privacy and social areas, but the need for a private meeting area where a team or group of people can meet without distractions remains crucial for all types of businesses.  These conference areas are … Read more

Four Spaces Your Office Needs

It is so important for employees to love where they work.  If they do, they’ll produce better work and happier moods all around.  Now that sounds like a fun place to be!  A sure way to accomplish this is to provide your employees with the environment they need to be successful.  But what does that mean?  We have … Read more

Conference Tables Pittsburgh

Collaborative spaces have become more and more popular to boost creativity and innovation between coworkers in the office.  Pittsburgh companies are no different with a successful and growing economy hosting a variety of businesses and industries.  The more we see it necessary to adapt to the changing workplace, the more we try to design spaces … Read more