Virtual Showroom – Wyomissing

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Using Your Workspace to Build Your Brand & Why It Matters

Using Your Workspace to Build Your Brand & Why It Matters. Behind all the clever marketing of a successful brand are the values the employees believe in and the clients can trust. But what really separates a great brand from an average one is what goes on behind the scenes. Functionality shouldn’t be the only ... Read more

Work from Home

Make yourself at home. Offices that work where you live.  As the home office becomes a prominent feature in 2020, so does the need for feature-rich home offices that fit your budget and your style.  Our work-from-home bundles offer you features and quality you expect at the office with an aesthetic that’s perfect for your ... Read more

5 Tips to Create an Open Office that Works for Your Team

70% of all offices today use an open floor plan. Yet, a recent study by Harvard Business Review found that open offices actually reduce face-to-face interaction by 70% and increase the use of email by 50% - which totally defeats the purpose, right? What’s up with that? Here’s the problem: Everyone works differently and even ... Read more

7 Ways to Maximize the Health Benefits of Your Sit-to-Stand Desk

Standing seems pretty easy, right? But just like sitting, it can actually lead to painful health issues if you’re doing it too much - or doing it wrong.   The human body is designed to move, so while sitting is “killing you,” standing for long periods of time isn’t helping you either. Enter: the sit-to-stand desk ... Read more

The Truth About Sit-To-Stand Working

You’re going to want to take a seat before you read this. Actually, you’ll probably want to stand. Why? The truth about sedentary working is pretty startling. It All Started 60 Years Ago… Sit-to-stand working has gone from a popular trend to an uncontested standard in today’s office. But the motivation behind this “modern” movement … Read more


EthoPhoto "To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place… I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them." - Elliott Erwitt Thank you for choosing Ethosource Office Furniture for your new office project.  We ... Read more

How Color is Affecting Your Workplace

Increasing Morale and Productivity in The Workplace Our world is an ever-changing place. Here at Ethosource we recognize and embrace this change by implementing new technologies, design concepts, and progressivity to our workplace and yours. We creatively use a blend of our quality product solutions and turnkey services, so that our experienced staff have the … Read more

29029 Everesting Challenge

29029 Everesting Challenge Our Ethosource leadership team has stepped up to the challenge and participating in this year's 29029 Everesting Challenge.  This challenge will be run virtually over the next 30 days and will challenge each of us. The goal is to accomplish the challenges put in front of us on a daily basis to gain ... Read more

Affects and Benefits of Staying Organized

Affects and Benefits of Staying Organized   The third and final part of our “Increasing Morale and Productivity in The Workplace” series will examine the affects and benefits of keeping your workplace and personal work area organized and efficient.   Generally speaking, there exists a stereotype in our culture that people who are organized and … Read more