Sustainable Solutions

Sustainable Solutions Solutions that help you work during the day, and sleep at night. Commitment to Sustainability   Ethosource, established in 2001, is a leader in the office furniture industry, deeply committed to sustainability. Our approach includes: High-Quality, Eco-Friendly Products: Offering a range of sustainable furniture solutions. Innovative Remanufactured Workstations: Demonstrating our commitment to eco-friendly ... Read more

Service & Parts

Space Planning & Design Our designers will work closely with the customer to understand their specific needs for the space and how to best achieve them throughout the customization and blending of our products. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ... Read more

Space Planning & Design

Space Planning & Design Our designers will work closely with the customer to understand their specific needs for the space and how to best achieve them throughout the customization and blending of our products. Our designers work closely with our customers to understand their specific needs for their space and how to best achieve them ... Read more

Using Your Workspace to Build Your Brand & Why It Matters

Using Your Workspace to Build Your Brand & Why It Matters. Behind all the clever marketing of a successful brand are the values the employees believe in and the clients can trust. But what really separates a great brand from an average one is what goes on behind the scenes. Functionality shouldn’t be the only ... Read more

5 Tips to Create an Open Office that Works for Your Team

70% of all offices today use an open floor plan. Yet, a recent study by Harvard Business Review found that open offices actually reduce face-to-face interaction by 70% and increase the use of email by 50% - which totally defeats the purpose, right? What’s up with that? Here’s the problem: Everyone works differently and even ... Read more

The Effect of Environment on Creativity

Question: Who are the creative people you work with? More than likely you immediately thought of your colleagues across the hall developing the latest brochure or editing that video going up on the website next week. What if I told you everyone you work with, including yourself, is creative? It may not be overtly apparent, … Read more

Reopening the Workplace

Reopening the workplace Your primary source for products, services, research and ideas to help you create a safe and productive return to your office. How can we help you reopen your office?  Products Products that help you create safe, productive spaces in your office. Research & Tools Thought starters to help you prepare for your ... Read more

The Five Things I’m Most Thankful For

In honor of the upcoming, and arguably best, holiday, Thanksgiving, I’ve decided to list some of the things that I’m most thankful for. Not like family, health, blah blah, etc. No, those will have their day. Today, we’re talking office things… obviously. Dual Monitor Arms – If any of you are still living in the … Read more

3 Reasons Why A Designated Training Room is Necessary

Training is an important part of work life in many careers today, and we now rely mostly on technology to help us train others. Technology is changing how and where we work, and is beginning to dictate our space and furniture needs when it comes to our workplace. The space in which you conduct your … Read more

Questions To Ask About Your Office Furniture

Selecting the proper office furniture for your space is very important on a number of levels. You want to be sure your office furniture purchase is economical, efficient and aesthetically pleasing. So before you go off and start signing checks and furnishing your work environment there are a few things you should learn and ask … Read more