Return to the Office: 4 Questions that will Determine Your Design

“We’re moving back to the office, but we’re not really sure what that should look like.” Sound familiar? Over the last few months, we’ve been hearing this a lot. As business owners are preparing to get their teams back to the workplace, many of us aren’t really sure what that means.   Whether you’re returning ... Read more


eSports Get In The Game!!! Competitive eSports gaming has blown up in recent years with colleges and universities participating in NCAA tournaments.  With that craze follows a need for high-end gaming machines and comfortable furniture solutions. Our gaming furniture is made with only the latest and greatest technology in sound and lighting, all gaming products ... Read more

Study Areas

Study Areas Whether for the student cramming for the next exam or just simply reading a book for their next chemistry report. Our study area solutions and configurations are perfect for your any study environment. All too often students fall into the trap of using either their sofa or their bed as their go-to study ... Read more

Part Two: Attracting and Retaining Millennials in the Workplace

Millennials make up more than one-third of the American labor force, and by 2025, Millennials will make up 75% of the workforce. (Pew Research Center) 46% of Millennials claim that flexibility and adaptability are the most critical employee characteristics for successful businesses. (Deloitte) Ethosource designs impactful and innovative furniture to help you attract and retain ... Read more

Cafe Areas

Cafe Areas Our cafe area solutions are perfect students grabbing a cup of coffee prior to class or grabbing a bite to eat with friends. These areas are perfect for social intereaction among students. Our cafe area solutions are perfect for when students wanna grabbing lunch with friends between classes or hitting up the coffee ... Read more

Part One: How to Use Workplace Design as Your Best Recruiting Tool

Workplace design can play a crucial role in recruiting and retaining employees. A comfortable, functional, and flexible environment can be a decision-maker for new talent. 62% of workers do not have workplaces that prioritize both individual and group work. Ethosource provides modern and sustainable solutions by blending both used and new furniture to create spaces ... Read more

Lounge Areas

Lounge Areas Grab a book and take a break on some of our sleek and comfortable lounge seating. Weather it's collaboration on school work or just hanging out with friends in an inviting atmosphere, lounge areas are ideal for helping students develop social skills outside of the classroom.  Our lounge area solutions provide great style ... Read more

Dorm Rooms

Dorm Rooms Embrace college life with our dorm room furniture solutions. They say "College is what you make of it"; living on campus definitely part of the college experience. We focus on designing classroom learning spaces that have a meaningful impact on students’ lives. Designing exceptional classroom learning spaces means thinking outside of the box. ... Read more

Auditorium Halls

Auditorium Halls Auditorium Halls are the components of active learning, and the design of spaces where we expect learning to occur needs to optimize sightlines, acoustics and the ability to work in groups within the space. The long and standing auditorium halls are where colleges and universities teach large scale classes to hundreds of students. ... Read more

Collaboration Areas

Collaboration Areas There’s a natural rhythm to collaboration. People need to focus alone or in pairs to generate ideas or process information; then they come together as a group to build on those ideas or develop a shared point of view. Students learn best when they can collaborate. Designing campus learning spaces to foster collaboration ... Read more