Office Furniture Blog Throwbacks

As you may already know, the EthoSource website is stuffed full of valuable office furniture knowledge. The EthoSource blog aims to address common questions, concerns, product information and much more. The following are past blog posts that garnered the most attention:

Refurbished Office Furniture vs. New Office Furniture – This blog highlights the various differences between refurbished and new office furniture.

Questions to ask about your office furniture – Learn what questions to ask before making a significant office furniture purchase.

Office Furniture Liquidation Tips – An office furniture liquidation can be a hefty task. These tips may help when the time arises for a liquidation.

Workstation Ergonomics – Avoid the long term health affects of sitting at an office desk all day by learning about workstation ergonomics

Office Cubicle Dictionary – There are a countless number of office cubicle terms out there, so we’ve compiled a cubicle dictionary to help educate you.

These blog posts are just a selection of many informative office furniture writings. If there is anything you would like to know about the world of office furniture that hasn’t yet been addressed, feel free to contact us, we love to educate!