What Makes a Sustainable Office?

Efforts to make an office sustainable require understanding what it will take to accomplish this goal. In addition to many small steps, you can also choose to purchase sustainable furnishings from a dealer like Ethosource, which also values sustainable services.

Where to Start for Sustainability

What Makes a Sustainable Office?When planning to operate more sustainably, start with baby steps like halting the purchase of single-use goods. For instance, you could encourage employees to bring their own reusable water bottles and coffee mugs. Another suggestion is to implement a paperless policy, where all documents are shared digitally. These are just a few examples of adopting sustainable office practices.

Avoid Exposure to Concerning Chemicals in New Purchases

When buying products, try to avoid certain chemicals. Look for BPI certification, a recognized standard for compostable products and packaging, and avoid stain and water-resistant products treated with chemicals and furniture treated with chemical flame retardants. Ethosource offers a wide range of furnishing offerings that meet these needs. We also provide pre-owned and refurbished options that have already given off many harmful gases that accompany new purchases.

Buy-In on Shopping for Reusable Items

Single-use coffee pods, plates, and cutlery are convenient, but does the convenience justify their use? Not if you want to operate sustainably. Instead, invest in quality reusable items and spend a few extra seconds grinding the beans or washing your fork.

Create a Printer Network

Instead of individual printers for every desk, invest in a managed print environment. It will reduce the amount of non-essential printing – saving energy, ink, paper, and money.

Emphasize Appropriate Disposal Practices

A sustainable office makes recycling second nature. Make sure that you have sufficient signage and bins and emphasize the importance of using them appropriately.

Feature Sustainable Actions in Training and Meetings

From turning off equipment before leaving for the day to reporting leaky faucets, employees play a crucial role in supporting the company’s sustainable efforts. They should know the conservation measures they can take as individuals. For instance, did you know that just by cleaning up old emails, employees can save vast amounts of energy? This is why it’s important to feature sustainable actions in training and meetings.

Choose Ethosource for Sustainable Furniture and Related Services

When it comes to sustainable furnishings and related services, Ethosource is your trusted partner. From our range of refurbished, sustainable products to our sustainable liquidation services, we’re here to help you create a more environmentally responsible workplace.

 Choose us with confidence, knowing that you’re making a significant step towards sustainability.

Our sustainable furnishings are not of lesser quality. In fact, they’re designed to be more durable than furnishings that might be cheaper and easier to make but include hazardous chemicals and waste during production.

Spending more on sustainability can pay off in the long run. Not only will these pieces remain in good shape for longer, but you’ll also have greater energy efficiency, reducing overhead costs.

Healthier air equals healthier employees, which in turn equals greater productivity and greater profitability. An employer who cares enough about their employees to choose furniture that doesn’t “gas off”-that is, emit harmful gases-is valuable.

That same claim of environmentally responsible behavior is also significant for your company’s brand. Customers value sustainability and are willing to go to great lengths to ensure they work with such a company.

When you’re ready for sustainable furnishings, check out our showrooms in Reading or King of Prussia, PA, or visit us online. When you’re ready to liquidate your furnishings, choose our team for the most sustainable services available. Our liquidation services are designed to minimize waste and maximize reuse, significantly reducing the environmental impact of your office’s furniture disposal.,

Now that you know what makes an office sustainable choose Ethosource to become one. Click here or call (610) 982-1955 to begin your journey toward enjoying an eco-friendly workspace.