Making the Office More Eco-Friendly for Employees

Many modern offices prioritize making the office more eco-friendly for employees. You can accomplish this goal in various ways, but when it comes to what you choose for furnishings and how you care for them, select Ethosource for maximum sustainability without sacrificing quality.

Making the Office More Eco-Friendly for EmployeesCustomers can shop with Ethosource online or at either of our two showrooms. We have one in King of Prussia and another in Reading, PA. With nationwide service, we welcome requests for furniture and services from all corners of the continental US. 

Employees Value Eco-Friendliness

If you’re looking for measures to recruit and keep high-quality employees, consider incorporating eco-friendliness into the workspace. The same people you want on staff prefer to work where they’re valued and where their values are shared.

Ways to Incorporate Eco-Friendly Features in the Workplace

Facilitate Recycling Efforts

We hope that you already have recycling processes in place, but if you don’t, you should establish them. To do so, you’ll need clearly labeled receptacles so that employees know where to place specific materials. Just having these processes in place isn’t enough, though. You should also emphasize the importance of participation during meetings and in communications with staff.

Increase Energy Conservation

Simple acts like light dimmers, scheduled thermostat settings, and turning off equipment at the end of the day will reduce energy usage. These practices go beyond eco-friendliness to budget-friendliness as well. Again, reiterating these policies to employees should be emphasized frequently and consistently. 

Go Paperless When Possible

Digital forms and cloud storage are more environmentally friendly and also lead to greater efficiency. Relying on digital documents when possible requires less physical space for storage, fewer storage furniture pieces, and decreased expenses spent on paper and ink. 

Educate Staff Regarding Digital Pollution

Going paperless can lead to pollution. The accumulation of emails and digital files being stored required electricity, so every unnecessary email or file your staff could purge would lead to an impressive amount of carbon dioxide emission prevention. 

As you educate staff on recycling and powering down computers, take some time to encourage email and file purges. The benefits of such a purge range from the dopamine hit of a job completed to an easier search for specific files and emails. 

Incorporate Greenery into the Office

Plants in the workplace are yet another way to encourage eco-friendliness. Photosynthesis releases oxygen and removes carbon dioxide and other toxins. Indoor plants will make the office a more visually appealing space and improve the area’s health and environmental friendliness. 

Provide a Water and Coffee Station

Employees will appreciate the water and coffee provided. Sure, you’ll benefit their pocketbooks, but you’ll also decrease the purchase of one-time-use containers for purchased coffee and bottled water.

Purchase Refurbished and Sustainable Furniture

The office furniture industry has embraced sustainability. Ethosource provides a wide range of sustainable options, including refurbished pieces that you can customize to meet the aesthetic demands of your company’s brand.

Click here or call 610.982.1955 to learn more about our sustainability products and practices. Ethosource is committed to surpassing your expectations as you work toward making the office more eco-friendly for employees.