Eco-Friendly Desks for Large Office Spaces

Are you looking for eco-friendly desks for large office spaces? Ethosource caters to businesses in all industries, providing new, pre-owned, and refurbished furnishings for every budget alongside a comprehensive set of furniture services. With the help of our team and our products, you can conveniently reach the maximum level of sustainability.

Environmental Responsibility as a Business Requirement

Eco-Friendly Desks for Large Office SpacesIf an office doesn’t prioritize environmental responsibility, its productivity and profitability will suffer. Companies don’t have to settle when choosing sustainability, as more options are available. Operating in an eco-friendly fashion can be very beneficial.

An environmentally responsible office prioritizes measures to reduce its carbon output, conserve resources, and recycle or reuse whenever possible. These individual efforts ultimately help the planet, but they also provide many additional benefits.

Operate Sustainably

Operating “green” means working with the intent of bettering the environment. A single office can have a great effect when it takes small and large steps to use less energy. From installing solar panels to reminding employees to turn off their computers at the end of the day, individual efforts can have a great payoff.

One key step to sustainable operations is your choice of office furniture. Ethosource offers refurbished pieces that we have returned to like-new condition and can customize to suit your design choices. Avoiding new purchases is a sustainable choice when possible because you aren’t using raw resources needlessly.

Save Financially

When operating in an eco-friendly fashion, an exciting by-product results: financial savings. Reduced overhead, less expensive products, and fewer re-purchases have a positive effect on keeping a business’s operating costs low.

Take a moment to consider the various small steps you can take to operate greenly. You can likely see a correlating economic benefit to that practice. From adjusting the thermostat for off hours to cutting off lights and equipment when not in use, going paperless, and even changing the coffee station from pods to beans – all of these measures save energy and a dollar.

Work Healthier

Another incredible by-product of a green office is health. Beyond the pride a worker will have to know that they work for an environmentally conscious company, they will also have less exposure to toxic chemicals, “gassing off” of new purchases, and unhealthy air.

Overall, a “green” office benefits directly economically but also reaps benefits regarding staffing confidence, customer loyalty, social approval, and more.

When you’re ready to check out the sustainable furniture options at Ethosource, hop online or visit one of our two showrooms. We have one in King of Prussia and another in Reading, PA. Our footprint spans the US and Canada, offering products and a full range of related services.

Our service menu includes all of the following, and companies can choose the services that they would like to take advantage of – none, all, or somewhere in between:

  • Space planning and design
  • Project management
  • Office furniture decommissions
  • Reconfigurations
  • Move management and relocation
  • Delivery and installation
  • Service and parts
  • Sustainable solutions
  • Furniture maintenance

If you need eco-friendly desks for large office spaces or any other sustainable furniture for your business, choose Ethosource. Click here or call (610) 982-1955 to work with our team in designing your ideal furniture system.