EthoSource does the Harlem Shake

It just didn’t seem right for us to not share the events that occurred in the EthoSource warehouse yesterday morning on our website.  Yes, it’s already  gone viral through Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, but since it’s already on track to be one of our most popular Youtube videos ever, it warrented another mention on our blog.

Around 10.30am on Thursday, February 21, EthoSource employees gathered their most ridiculous costumes and props to prepare for the filming of our very own version of the Youtube sensation, The Harlem Shake.  The office and warehouse members all got together for a unique team building activity that centered around our monthly Employee lunch-in where new hires, birthdays, and employee anniversaries are recognized.  The video takes place in our Morgantown warehouse and features our behind the scenes making of the video which is unique to other Harlem Shake videos on the web.  Check out the EthoSource team as they turn the warehouse into the set of a giant dance party.  You won’t want to miss some of the impressive dance moves this crew has apparently been keeping from us! Enjoy!