Color of the Year 2013 — Does It Belong in Your Office?

(There was some confusion about the Color of the Year for 2013. While Monaco Blue was crowned Color the Year early in December 2012 by many news sources, it was dethroned a couple of weeks later by Emerald. We expect blue to continue to be a popular office choice.)

General color forecasts have narrowed down to the official Pantone Color of the Year: Monaco Blue.

After a couple of years of wild colors (Tangerine Tango this year, Honeysuckle Pink in 2011), it’s a lot easier to envisage 2013’s Color of the Year in the average office.

Blue is said to be a calming color, one that encourages both serenity and creativity. It is the most popular color in the world, so it’s statistically likely that your team will like it. It looks good with computers. A study at the University of British Columbia even found that blue offices increase productivity.

Pair your deep blue with beige or gray — choose a slightly pink beige or a blue gray if you want to be fashionable.

The important thing to bear in mind, though, is that yours is not the average office.

At EthoSource, we have the capacity to refurbish top of the line Herman Miller cubicles to suit your tastes exactly. We have designers who will work with you to make sure that your office communicates exactly the message you want to send. We have an impressive stock of used office furniture and a network of suppliers that lets us find just what you want and need.

Go blue in 2013 if that works best for you. Be confident, though, that upcycled and pre-owned office furniture from EthoSource will outlast 2013 — and many more years of color trends. Call us at (888)807-3846 or use our simple contact form and we’ll get in touch with you.