What’s Too Personal in a Personalized Cubicle?

We’ve talked about setting limits for cubicle decoration, but that’s from an employer’s point of view. If it’s your cubicle and there isn’t an official policy, where should you draw the line for yourself? At EthoSource, we strongly believe in the customized cubicle: anything that improves your workspace and helps you be more productive should … Read more

Personal Cubicle Decorating: Where Should Employers Draw the Line?

Happy employees make for a productive and loyal workforce. Allowing personalization of a cubical or workspace helps employees take ownership of their space and work, which often increases the quality and quantity of work. But where should employers draw the line? While one office might treat cubicles as mini-offices where workers can create their own personalized … Read more

Office Wellbeing

Can you find happiness in your cubicle? The Gallup organization undertook an enormous study on wellbeing in 150 countries, and found that the most important of the five areas of wellbeing they identified was “Career Wellbeing”: feeling happy and satisfied at work. Researchers gave subjects hand-held tools which they would use, when alerted at random … Read more

The Standing Desk

Recent research has shown that sitting for long periods of time has detrimental effects on our health. Even if we’re getting enough exercise before and after work, staying in a sitting position for hours can lead to changes in the metabolism and circulation that can actually shorten our lives. For many cubicle and office workers, … Read more

Time Management and the Cubicle

We’ve talked previously about how the Ethospace design concept by Herman Miller was planned to increase productivity by suiting the furniture to the needs of the worker, job duties, and space constraints. Making changes in the environment is nearly always easier than making changes in people, and we have plenty of experience supporting our belief … Read more

The Dream Office Dwindles

In 1985, American workers averaged 400 square feet of working space. Now the average is 250 feet. The image here is not a workspace designed by EthoSource; it’s what we think the news about the shrinking office might bring to your mind as you read. Judging by the hardware in the photo, these guys were … Read more

Just What Does “Refurbished” Mean?

At EthoSource, we sell used furniture in “as is” condition — meaning that it has been used before, but is still in great shape and will work well for your office. Few of us have ever taken a new job and arrived in our office to find the furniture, which has been used by our … Read more

The Cubicle as Personal Space

We’ve told you how to customize your cubicle, why to let your employees design their own cubicles, and how to use Ethospace to personalize your private office. Sometimes it’s not about designing, though. If you got back to work today after the New Year break and didn’t love it, you might need to make some … Read more

Office Resolutions for 2013

It’s time to make New Year’s Resolutions, and we can probably guess what’s on your list. The top resolutions in the U.S. for many years now have been to get organized and to improve health by giving up smoking, losing weight, or getting more exercise. Saving money, getting out of debt, and spending more time … Read more

Office Furniture and Business Valuation

We read a recent report on the factors considered in making a business valuation. At the bottom of the list: the physical assets of a company. In other words, expensive office furniture and equipment doesn’t increase the value of your company. This may seem surprising. After all, you paid for all those cubicles, desks, and … Read more