The Cubicle: A Workspace Revolution

Back in 1968, when Herman Miller designer, Bob Propst, wrote The Office: A Facility Based on Change proposing the first open-plan panel system, he envisioned the possibilities of what an office should and could be.  He studied the way people work and noticed that the problem with the traditional office was its inability to handle … Read more

What Does Your Office Say About You?

We all know the importance of looking and acting professional in the workplace, but if your workplace itself doesn’t look the part, it’ll speak louder than any nice pair of pants or shirt will. Your office says a lot about your personality, and in turn, about your business.   A messy desk could mean a brilliant … Read more

Businesses who Go Green, Save Green

“Going Green” is a continually increasing trend in the workplace. Why? Because energy-efficient practices not only benefit the environment, but can also save a company a lot of money. Consumers take notice when businesses are regularly taking measures to reduce harm on the environment and ensure the well-being of its employees. This means enhancing your … Read more

Recycling Your Way to a Cleaner Office

                      Just because many of us practically live at our desks, doesn’t mean it has to look that way.    It’s a little too easy to let the clutter build up as the work piles on, and it doesn’t take an expert to know a … Read more

Healthy Office Tips You Can Actually Use

It’s not uncommon to come across articles circling the web about how to stay healthy while stuck in an office 8 hours a day.  A lot of these articles give a few good tips you may consider for your next gym session, but let’s be honest, who actually wants to be sneaking pushups or calf … Read more

EthoSource Gives Back to Berks Sheriff

As a company who values the importance of organizations giving back to the community, EthoSource does just that in return.   Recently, the pre-owned office furniture company donated an office full of refurbished office furniture to the Berks Sheriff’s K-9 Unit as a way to simply say thanks. An office makeover was the perfect gift for … Read more

A Flexible Office for a Growing Team

                      The start of the new year has brought new additions to the EthoSource team and new alterations to the company’s workplace. The Sales Department recently welcomed new Sales Assistants, Chelsea Killinger and Lisa Bachman. Chelsea received a BS in Interior Design from IUP in … Read more

Employee Turnover Rate and Office Furniture

Our recent post on Next Gen’s mobile offices speaks directly to industries where there is a high turnover rate, as well as to those where agility is key. Industries that have high turnover rates already face high costs in time and money for recruiting, interviewing, hiring, and training workers — add the problem of workers … Read more

Millennials in the Workplace

Millennials have different expectations for their work than their predecessors. They’re more willing to hop from one job to another, less company-oriented, and less willing to follow rules. They expect more individual attention, more flexibility in their jobs, and more recognition for what they do. Fortunately, doing a few things to adapt to these expectations … Read more

Designing Your Office without the Commitment

There was a time when setting up an office meant buying a building, building offices, bringing in ponderous partners’ desks and building storage. An office might have new occupants from time to time, but the office furniture and fittings were there to stay. Times have changed. Now workers are mobile, as companies outsource and work … Read more