The Right Way to Adjust Your Office Chair

Ergonomic chairs are characterized by their ability to provide a variety of adjustments and features that accommodate a healthier way to sit. But just like investing in the latest electronics for their added features, it doesn’t benefit you anymore than the last version if you don’t know how to properly use it.   There are … Read more

Putting Your Office Colors to Work

My recent blog posts have really emphasized the importance of office ergonomics on employee productivity and health.  But the design of our workplace isn’t just about the products that help us get work done, but how our surroundings effect how we feel.  And as individuals living in a time where we no longer have to … Read more

Defining Ergonomics

The word ergonomics is thrown around the office world a lot.  I’m sure you’ve heard it’s a very important part of an office’s productivity and overall health.  So you take a look at your chair and think it’s pretty comfy, so you’re good right? But ergonomics is much more than the feel of your seat … Read more

The Best Ways to Start and End Your Workday

Not everyone is a morning person.  Maybe you don’t get excited to hear that all too familiar beeping that forces you out of bed every morning at 6am.  And even though you may be physically awake when you arrive at the office, maybe you’re still mentally checked out.  Well, the truth is, the way you … Read more

A Second Look at the Alternative Workplace

In the competitive world we live and work in, businesses are always looking for ways to stay ahead of the game, having the latest technology, claiming to be the founder of a new trend, or offering clients the “wow” factor their competitors can’t. This mentality extends past the products they provide, and into the way … Read more

Office Furniture that Goes the Extra Mile

There are a lot of creative ways to stay active in your cubicle.  From the arm dips on your task chair to the less obvious trip to the water fountain, people are constantly trying to incorporate exercise into the long workday.  But now, these methods have been incorporated into your office equipment as well, so … Read more

Common Mistakes in Buying Office Furniture

Buying office furniture can be a big investment for your company.  The value and importance of the products you purchase will extend far beyond their aesthetics.  Furniture has the ability to influence health, productivity, profits and the overall happiness of your employees as well as your guests.  There are a few things to consider when … Read more

How to Avoid Office Conflict

Stress is an inevitable component in every workplace.  It’s not uncommon to feel a little on edge while working full days, having to meet constant deadlines, and managing multiple projects and clients simultaneously.  You’ve got a lot on your mind, so sometimes a little tension between co-workers can develop into bigger conflicts that add unnecessary … Read more

EthoSource does the Harlem Shake

It just didn’t seem right for us to not share the events that occurred in the EthoSource warehouse yesterday morning on our website.  Yes, it’s already  gone viral through Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, but since it’s already on track to be one of our most popular Youtube videos ever, it warrented another mention on … Read more

Finding the Perfect Filing System…Vertical Vs. Lateral File

Recently, I wrote an article on fun little ways to recycle household items into storage options for your office.  I still fully suggest to anyone to try some of those creative options to get your space more organized.  But we must also consider all that additional clutter that accumulates throughout the work week that requires … Read more