The Great Run Streak

Once upon a time, a friendly challenge started between a couple of EthoSource coworkers who enjoy running.  That challenge was based on the Runner’s World Holiday Run Streak which was simply motivation to stay active during the holidays.  It started on Thanksgiving day and was meant to continue until New Years Day with each of the … Read more

Does Your Reception Area Make an Impression?

When you start planning the layout for your office space, your reception area may not be the first thing you think about, but it is the first thing people see when they step inside your office. There are elements to a great reception area that make it both welcoming and impressive, while you make sure … Read more

Looking Back at Our Best Productivity Blogs

Taking a look back at all the articles that we’ve written in the past, there’s a lot of valuable information for anyone who spends a lot of their day working hard in the office.  We’re collecting a few of our past blogs posts that are geared toward staying productive and getting the most out of … Read more

A Look at the Workplace in 2014

Now that the new year is officially underway, and we’ve had some time to reflect on 2013, we can begin to look into the office trends that will define 2014.  Businesses are growing and changing, and we’ll start to see that certain common aspects of their design and work style will become more and more … Read more

Gifts on the Office Wish List

The holidays are upon us, but there are a few of us out there that still have last minute shopping to check off list before we can officially kick back and enjoy the magic of Christmas time.  Sometimes we really don’t mean to procrastinate, but while we’re busy thinking of the perfect gifts to get … Read more

What’s Trending in Workplace Design

As the new year is upon us, the workplace continues to change in functionality and aesthetics. Similar to clothing and technology, certain aspects of the office “are out” over time and new trends emerge as the way we work continues to change.  There is a lot to consider when designing an office in terms of … Read more

Why You’ll Love Office Cubicles As Much as We Do

Office cubicles have gotten a bad rep over the years.  Probably because every time a miserable job or employee is portrayed on TV, there they are, rows and rows of them, looking dull and monotonous.  But the truth is that these types of cubicles are a thing of the past or at least not the … Read more

Staying Focused at Work During the Holidays

The holidays are a wonderful time of year.  There’s turkeys to be cooked, carols to be sung and presents to be wrapped, while visions of sugar plums dance through your head.  The only problem is… you’ve got work to do.  And all these wonderful things are really just distracting you from staying focused.  Instead you’re … Read more

Ergonomic Office Chairs That Enhance The Way You Work

For all the sitting you do throughout the work day, you deserve a comfortable seat.  But the complexity of what “comfort” actually means has been taken to a whole new level since office ergonomics have become the focus in the manufacturing of office furniture. No longer does having a good office chair solely mean a … Read more