Two Company “Firsts” Make for An Eventful Two Weeks

The past two weeks have been pretty eventful for the EthoSource team. After a big year including a brand new logo, complete website redesign, the opening of two new retail showrooms and stores, and all the  work and excitement that went along with it, we aren’t slowing down. We’re constantly looking for ways to make … Read more

A New and Improved “Open Office” Definition

The Open Office. It’s been discussed before, and most likely, it will be discussed again.  But due to the fact that the workplace is constantly changing, there is justification as to why these topics continued to be reviewed and conversed.  We know that the open office has become a developing office trend that promotes and … Read more

Philly Area Offices Blend New & Current Furniture “Seamlessly”

When New Horizons Computer Learning Center needed to furnish their new corporate offices in Conshohocken, PA, they called EthoSource… again. It wasn’t the first time New Horizons contacted EthoSource for their office furniture project.  The offices they moved from were also filled with EthoSource product, so when they made the switch to their current location, … Read more

The Great Run Steak Update!

Some of you may remember back in January when I wrote about a friendly running competition that was gradually becoming an intense little battle between two coworkers at EthoSource.  That was back on Day 62 of the Streak.  And back on that day, it seemed crazy that the original 35 day Run Streak had extended … Read more

Bring Spring Into Your Office!

Happy Spring, everyone! It seemed that throughout this long, brutal winter that this day would never come, but it is finally here.  True, it still may not feel quite like Spring outside yet, but for those of you that spend most of your waking hours inside an office anyway, what’s stopping you from bringing spring … Read more

Office Furniture for Every Style: Law Firms

As a company who specializes in refurbished office furniture, some are quick to assume there is a limited selection available for their specific industry’s work style needs.  Not only is this far from true (our 200,000 square feet of office furniture can prove it), but EthoSource is a complete office furniture provider with refurbished, pre-owned … Read more

5 Ways to Make Work More Fun

[wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””] [/wpcol_1third]  [wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””] [/wpcol_1third] [wpcol_1third_end id=”” class=”” style=””] [/wpcol_1third_end] In honor of Friday, where everyone’s minds are already preoccupied with all the fun things they plan on doing this weekend, this post will be all about how to make WORK more fun.  I recently read an article by Fast … Read more

Why Used Office Furniture is Right for Small Business

If you’re just starting up your small business or are in the midst of some type of upgrade, downsize, or move, office furniture it an important thing to consider.  But investing in an office full of furniture for however many employees your small business may have can be a slightly scary thing.  Most likely, your … Read more

Brand New Conference Chair by EthoSource!

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””][/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””][/wpcol_1half_end] For over a decade, EthoSource has stocked and showcased an endless inventory of top name chairs in the office furniture industry, as well as an ever-changing selection of miscellaneous brands and styles.  Now, for the first time ever, EthoSource has decided to create our very own chair … Read more