EthoSource Encounter- George Zook

This week’s EthoSource Encounter features George Zook, who is all over the place for us since he started with the company, from managing inventory, deliveries and installations to actually building and installing the furniture himself.  He’s a great member to our team and always has everyone in the office laughing.  Meet Zook!   How long have you been … Read more

Why Refurbished Office Furniture May Be Perfect for You

Not everyone is easily convinced that buying a quality pre-owned product (in this case, office furniture) can be the best option for your business.  It’s not uncommon to have negative connotations about something was that was previously owned by someone else.  And in many instances, those people may be right.  But here at EthoSource, it’s our livelihood … Read more

EthoSource Encounter- Kristin Reynolds

It’s the start of the new year,  so that means a whole new set of encounters with our awesome team here at EthoSource.   This week’s profile features one of our employees whose work is primarily behind the scenes, but involves handling a ton of important transactions for all of our departments, every day! Meet our first EthoSource Encounter of 2015: … Read more

2014: A Year in Review for Ethosource

2014 was another great year for the Ethosource team.  We’ve experienced a lot of changes and growth, not only within our company, but in the world of office furniture as well.  In fact, these changes are what the modern workplace is all about: flexibility and connectivity.  In the very last days of 2014, we’ve decided … Read more

EthoSource Encounter- Deborah Hartz

For this week’s EthoSource Encounter, meet one of our fantastic Project Managers, Deb!  1. How long have you been at EthoSource?   I started in May of 2012 2. What is a typical day at work for you entail? Managing people and expectations.  Organizing chaos.  Pushing paperwork. 3. What is your favorite part about working at EthoSource? The people.  … Read more

New or Used: What Every Cubicle Needs

Whether you’re in the market for new or used cubicles, there are a couple of must-haves that you need to consider when designing your layout.  With so many new, innovative styles and features, it’s easy to incorporate helpful tools and techniques to promote a healthier and happier workspace.  Here’s what you need to be thinking about … Read more

EthoSource Encounter- Chelsea Killinger

Meet this week’s EthoSource Encounter’s featured employee: Designer, Chelsea Killinger! 1. How long have you been at EthoSource? 2 years this month! 2. How did you get into the design field?  I went to college at IUP and originally studied Marketing.  Going into my Junior year I changed my major to Interior Design.  I was … Read more

How to Make the Most of Your Work Breaks

First of all, if you’re not taking breaks during the workday, that needs to change.  Taking the time regularly to distract yourself and refocus your brain power from the stressful tasks of the day is really important for your health, productivity and well being.  Whether you physically or mentally need a time out, even a … Read more

I’m Thankful For…

  [ezcol_1half] [/ezcol_1half] [ezcol_1half_end]It’s that time of year to reflect on everything we are most thankful for and appreciate the things that make us truly happy in life! Sometimes in the busyness of the holidays, we forget to do this, so as a little reminder, we asked our team here at EthoSource what they’re giving … Read more