On the 11th Day of Office Tips…

Not only are we totally encouraging of an eco-friendly workplace due to the fact it is a HUGE part of our own business model (you know, with recycled office furniture and all), BUT we also think being energy efficient just makes sense!  Why waste resources and money, when you don’t have to?  Technology and products have … Read more

On the 10th Day of Office Tips…

The countdown is still on! We’re not letting up on the holiday season just yet.  So whether you’re catching up from your Christmas vacation and time out of the office, or just having trouble focusing before the big New Year’s Eve party coming up, we have some insight on how to stay productive, even when … Read more

On the 9th Day of Office Tips…

The best part about the open office plan is the ability to freely and easily communicate with others throughout the workday for collaborative tasks.  The worst part?  Noise.  Whether you want to hear different conversations going on throughout the day or not, in this new office design trend, it can be very one-dimensional unless you … Read more

On the 8th Day of Office Tips…

What do your advertising, business cards and website say about you?  Whatever it may be, they’re sending the message to all of your customers, clients and partners that come in touch with you day in and day out.  Your branding is a HUGE part of who you are and how people perceive you, and it’s … Read more

On the 7th Day of Office Tips…

Sometimes our day to day work can get pretty monotonous.  This is what leads to ruts and mental blocks, some of the most frustrating things to try and work through.  The good news is there are ways to prevent these things before they even happen.  On the 7th Day of Office Tips,  EthoSource said to … Read more

On the 6th Day of Office Tips…

Buddy the Elf, what’s your favorite color?  Colors are all around us and whether we notice it or not, they influence us in a number of ways.   The workplace is no exception since we spend so much of time there.  So what does color have to do with this tip?  On the 6th Day … Read more

On the 5th Day of Office Tips…

The holiday season is crazy… pure madness at times.  You’re trying to stay productive so you get all your work finished when you need to while your mind is preoccupied by Christmas gifts and holiday plans.  It’s a sensation overload.  Before it all spirals out of control, take our advice on this one.  On the … Read more

On the 4th Day of Office Tips…

I think it’s safe to say everyone likes their workspace at least somewhat organized, right?  However, depending on your office space, a filing cabinet or pedestal may actually clutter your space and just make things worst.  Yes, all your papers are filed away nicely, but now you can’t get out of your chair without banging … Read more

On the 3rd Day of Office Tips…

It’s on almost every New Year’s Resolutions list: be healthier. And for a lot of us, it doesn’t stick.  But it’s not our fault!  With long days in the office, who has time or energy to get to the gym or make that exotic kale recipe you’ve been reading about.  Well the good news is … Read more

On the 2nd Day of Office Tips…

So now that you’re considering pre-owned office furniture (reference office tip from Day 1), you should start to figure out what you need.  Of course, we can help you with that, but an even better way to get the ball rolling is to look at your own employees for inspiration.  Hence, our next tip.  On … Read more