Give Your Confidence a Little Boost

confidenceIf there’s any time or place where feeling confident is key, it’s at work.  We spend so much of our time invested in our jobs that a lack of confidence means uncertainty and unhappiness for a great deal of our lives.  In order to be self-assured, all the negativity we feel toward our work and our abilities have to be replaced with positive thinking and actions.  Here are a couple tips to start getting your thoughts back on the right track.

Change Your Perspective

Instead of obsessing over the impact others have on you, you should start noticing the impact you have on others.  This empowering change of perspective helps you stay focused on yourself and avoid non-productive worrying and distractions.  You’ll be in charge of your own destiny because you’re concerned with things you can actually control and not what others are doing.

Don’t Assume The Worst

A lot of time if an employee isn’t in love with their job or even if they just simply feel stressed or overworked, they begin to think that employers are trying to rob them of their time and creativity.  In a 9-5 job, feeling confined can be a mental weight that drags down your productivity and takes a toll emotionally.  Consider the things your are learning and accomplishing as part of the bigger picture that will help take you to the next level in your current or future jobs.

Identify Your Strengths

It may sound like a no brainer, but it’s also the easiest way to remind yourself of your value to your company.  Just take some time to recognize your strengths and the things you do each day that benefit your workplace.  Then try to make sure you integrate these abilities into your everyday work, so you can feel more comfortable and proud of what you bring to the table.

Identify Your Weaknesses

Obviously, you can’t be good at everything.  Sometimes these weaknesses are the reason for your lack of confidence.  Instead of obsessing over them, just try addressing them to get you one step closer to overcoming them.  Make an effort to take advantage of opportunities to learn or improve.  If you aren’t happy with your weaknesses, do something about it!

Know Your Company

Knowing your organization is not only beneficial in every day work, but vital to your confidence.  You may know everything there is to know about your department, but understanding the overall goals and facts about your company is what being part of an organization is all about.  It’ll help you be proud of who you work for and the way you contribute.  Take interest in the things your company does inside and outside of your industry.

Advertise The New You

Figuring out how to get through the things that are holding you back is all about knowing what you can do to get better.  Don’t get stuck in a rut feeling sorry for yourself because it will only create more barriers in your way.  Once you’ve made the decision to stop making excuses and work hard to change yourself for the better, then you should get noticed for it. Make sure your boss knows what you’re doing to improve, even if this means just flat out telling him, so you can get recognized for your hard work.  Appreciation is a big confidence booster!

Enjoy Your Job!

An employee who loves their job and one who doesn’t are equally as noticeable in the workplace.  Someone who loves their job is positive, engaged, optimistic, and proactive while those who don’t are negative, guarded, closed-off, and just plain grumpy.  Getting roped into the wrong side will just make you miserable and hurt your confidence.  Surround yourself with positive people and figure out what best motivates you, so you’ll be encouraged to feel the same way.