Happy Employees = Productive Workplaces

A lot of blogs about the workplace have a reoccurring motif.  It is the same goal of all employees throughout every workday and is same reason a business is successful and profitable.  This topic is productivity, and it can be promoted, discouraged, or influenced in numerous ways from the style of your office chair to the people you work with each day.  The list is extensive and it may be easy to be skeptical of some, but there’s one that proves true in every type of workplace: a happy employee is a productive employee.

Employees may spend long days in the office, but that doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy where they work.  There are simple ways keep employees happy in the workplace that won’t break your company budget.  Here’s how.

Show Appreciation

Give more credit than you take.  A little appreciation goes a long way.  Even a simple “thank you” or “good work” can make a big difference in an employee’s attitude.  Make sure to celebrate and recognize accomplishments often.

Recognize the Individual

Making a Millennial happy and making a Boomer happy are two very different things.  Know who you’re talking to and even take the time to inquire about what they enjoy to help make sure they love what they’re doing.  This will help you connect with them better.  Even just using titles like “colleagues” instead of “employees” can subtly make everyone much more proud of the organization in which they work.

Provide Added Perks

Perks can include a variety of things.  Maybe a surprise day off or a special Friday designated to a company lunch or casual dress shows employees you appreciate their work and feel they deserve some time to unwind.  Most employees work hard during the week and will be more inclined to keep working hard if they know it will be rewarded in little ways that remind them that they’re work is appreciated.

 Offer Autonomy

Research has shown that most workers desire autonomy in their jobs.  Employees will be more committed and engaged if their motivation comes from within.  If they’re working in their own way, they’ll be more productive and confident. They also won’t have to waste time waiting for approval from supervisors.

Create a Good Company Culture

Employees are happier if they enjoy their place of work.  Music throughout the day or food in the office lifts morale and brings employees together.  Use “we” instead of “I” to help create a team culture and eliminate competitions internally. It’s also important to encourage a lot of communication with employees to help them feel more comfortable in their job and their work.  People can be more confident in their work if they have a better relationship with their boss and colleagues.

Balance Work and Play

It can be a challenge for some employees to balance their work life and personal life, but a company can use this struggle as an opportunity to keep employees content in their work life.  Companies that offer a nice balance between the two are more likely to have employees that are happy in their current job.  A position that allows workers to continue their passions and hobbies outside the office allows a positive work experience and keeps them engaged and committed to their company or organization.