It’s Easy Being Green

When you think of going green, you shouldn’t think of having to make a big change to the way you work. Many times, the best ways to help the environment are things you don’t even realize you’re not doing, or smarter options for your business that you just haven’t considered before.  There are lots of simple ways to go green in the office that won’t disrupt your current routine, but will not only benefit the environment and your business, but you as well. Here are some examples:

• Use email, power points, e-subscriptions, and other web resources instead of hard copies when you share information. If you think you can just as easily share something electronically or read it from your screen, try to take that route.

• Make “double-sided” the default on your printer settings. Takes two seconds, but cuts your paper use in half.

• If you’re not using it, turn it off. Enable energy savings on your office equipment or unplug things that aren’t being used to charge or power something. Things like phone charges, etc. will drain energy even when idle.

• Bring your own personal water bottle or coffee mug/thermos to work. Refill this up instead of going through multiple cups throughout the day.

• Change up your commute and carpool to work. Or if you’re close enough, try riding a bike or taking a short public transport option depending on where you live.

• Add plants to your workspace. They filter the air and liven up a work area.

• Choose smart, organic, and sustainable foods for employees to have during meetings, lunches, and throughout the day. This will help you be healthier as well.

• Switch to hand driers in the bathrooms. Paper towels are too easily wasted.

• Buy pre-owned office furniture and sell the old furniture you no longer need. Refurbished furniture extends the life of your furniture after being cleaned and given new fabric to look like new. Maximize your furniture investment and recycle at the same time with this option.

With a few of these simple suggestions, it’s not hard to make a few changes toward a healthier and greener workplace. Try getting your coworkers on board, so more of you can start making a difference. It really is easy being green!
