The Standing Desk

herman-miller-standing-deskRecent research has shown that sitting for long periods of time has detrimental effects on our health. Even if we’re getting enough exercise before and after work, staying in a sitting position for hours can lead to changes in the metabolism and circulation that can actually shorten our lives.

For many cubicle and office workers, sitting is unavoidable: our office furniture decides what position we’ll be in during the day. And while workers can do things to make a workspace more ergonomic , most office workers still spend eight hours or more sitting in a chair.

Enter the standing desk. Workers across the country are switching to desks they can work at on their feet. Being on your feet all day has its own health costs, including circulatory problems and joint pain. The truth is, your body wasn’t designed to stay in one position all day, sitting or standing.

The standing desk is the solution. Back in the 1960s, designer George Nelson came up with a standing workspace option for the Herman Miller company’s Action Office. The idea was not to keep office workers on their feet all day, but to provide the variety and flexibility people need. The standing surface was intended to be just one of the possibilities. People were expected to move from one workspace to another, and to change their workspaces to suit the needs of the moment.

An adjustable height desk or multiple workspaces at different heights within one office provide the healthiest option — and increase productivity and worker satisfaction as well. Whatever your needs, standing or sitting, EthoSource can help you determine the best option for your budget, workspace, and workforce.