The Furniture Liquidation Experience

There are many big events in the life of a company that include having to deal with furniture. Your company may be growing, moving, downsizing, closing, or just rebranding. You have big decisions to make, stressful conversations to hold, and changes to make that can affect the lives of people you care about — and you have to think about furniture?

In many cases, you do. The furniture you bought for your start up company doesn’t convey the image you want for your company now that it’s growing and changing. The furniture that worked in your old building won’t meet all the needs of your new building, and you also have nowhere to store it during the move. You’re retiring and closing up shop, and you don’t even want to think about what to do with all those desks and chairs.

In each of these cases, and in the many more scenarios we could list, you need Furniture Management. Here are some of the services this includes:

  • Identifying the furniture that will work in your new circumstances, and the furniture you need to find new homes for.
  • Identifying the new furnishings you’ll need to add to your existing furniture.
  • Designing workspaces that make best use of the furniture that will be moved as well as the new furnishings.
  • Buying the furniture you no longer need.
  • Disassembling furniture.
  • Finding pre-owned furnishings that will work for your new needs.
  • Refurbishing and/or customizing cubicles to suit your new needs.
  • Sourcing the new pieces you need.
  • Moving the furniture that will go with you to a new space.
  • Removing the furniture you no longer need.
  • Storing furniture during your move, remodeling, or other changes.
  • Installing your new or pre-owned furniture.

Here at EthoSource, we are experts in office furniture. We have the skills and experience in logistics and project management needed to make your project go smoothly — however large the change or the project.  Read case studies and testimonials from our office furniture liquidation clients to see what a difference expert Furniture Management services can make.