Creating a Healthier Workspace

Now-a-days it is common practice to spend more than 40 hours a week in your workplace. As a matter of fact, if you happen to work only 40 hours a week you are considered lucky by many. The long hours can be mentally and physically exhausting, especially if your office environment is not up to par. Keeping a healthy body and mind will not only make you feel better about yourself, but it will make you feel better about your work.  Here are a few tips to keeping yourself healthy at the workplace.

Selecting the right office chair –The right office chair is vital to your overall comfort throughout the day. A chair that does not provide proper back support can lead to sore backs, necks, legs, and also increasing pains in the future. Look for a chair that provides comfort to sit in, but also proper posture for your back. You also want to ensure that your chair is at the proper height, with your computer screen at eye level, to reduce neck strain. Be sure to stand up and walk around every so often as well. Sitting is considered a “static” position and over time can create back and neck problems. A simple walk to get a drink would suffice.

Create a “homey” workspace – Spice up your workspace with photos or vibrant colors to create an environment that is aesthetically pleasing. Hanging up photos or images around your workspace can help remind you that there is an outside world and can help with your overall attitude at work. If you are in a cubicle look into customizing the paneling. Herman Miller cubicles allow you to replace tiles with windows, whiteboards, tack boards etc., and allow you to customize the color scheme of the tiles. These customizing features allow you to make your space yours.

There are many ways to make your office workspace a more comfortable environment. EthoSource is here to help. EthoSource has an extensive inventory of pre-owned and new office chairs that are sure to satisfy your needs. EthoSource is also an industry leader in cubicle customization, with a specialty in Herman Miller Ethospace. We will work with you to help provide you with the office environment you are seeking.