On the 8th Day of Office Tips…

What do your advertising, business cards and website say about you?  Whatever it may be, they’re sending the message to all of your customers, clients and partners that come in touch with you day in and day out.  Your branding is a HUGE part of who you are and how people perceive you, and it’s all in your control.  That’s a lot of pressure.  So we have some advice to take your branding to the next level.  Not just in your print and digital presence, but in one of the most important ways possible:  On the 8th Day of Office Tips,  EthoSource said to me… Brand Your Workplace!

8th Day of ChristmasDidn’t really think of your office as a giant advertisement for your company, did you?  Free advertising, nonetheless.  And not just for your customers, but for your own employees as well.  Your workplace is where all the magic happens.  It should be an environment that creates and promotes the whole culture of your business, so that employees not only feel it as they work, but they pass it along to their customers without thinking twice.  It should speak to clients with no confusion as to who you are and what you can do for them.

If your workplace looks just like everyone else’s, you’re not doing it right. Isn’t the whole point to convince people that you’re unique and better than your competition?  Well this should be visible in everything you do.   Let’s say you’re a technology or media company with outdated equipment and a dull work environment… would you want that type of company working on your behalf? Neither would I.

Whether it’s in your office decor or your furniture, incorporate your brand wherever possible.  Feature your logo somewhere everyone can see, and infuse the colors, images or shapes throughout the space for constant visual reminders of identity.  You should be proud of the company you own or work for and it should be displayed in a way that let’s people know this.  If you’re confident in your image, then it creates a feeling of trust.  And for employees, it becomes part of their everyday language and behavior, so that they reflect the same message your business stands for.

So take a few minutes this new year and look around.  Does your workplace truly embrace your company culture? Is it a place employees love spending their long work days? If not,  we can help!  Give us a call this new year, and make sure your workplace is as unique as your business!
