On the 7th Day of Office Tips…

Sometimes our day to day work can get pretty monotonous.  This is what leads to ruts and mental blocks, some of the most frustrating things to try and work through.  The good news is there are ways to prevent these things before they even happen.  On the 7th Day of Office Tips,  EthoSource said to me… Switch it up!

7th Day of Christmas

We mentioned before how getting up and moving is so beneficial to your health after long periods of sitting, but we haven’t really emphasized the mental benefits as well! Here’s what we recommend.  Don’t just get up to take a break, but get up to change work locations as well.  All of today’s electronics and work equipment is mobile or wireless for a reason.  We’re not meant to be stuck in the same place for too long… the monotony of it will kill your creativity and make the days drag on.  The solution is simple, and with office designs incorporating flexible work environments with mobile office furniture, huddle rooms and other meeting areas, it’s easier than ever to get away from the same old scene without even leaving the building.

When you have big deadlines on the horizon or need some of your best brain power for a creative task, try relocating to a spot in the office.  Pull up a seat in the conference room or snag a table in the employee lounge.  Maybe leaving the office is even better for your productive juices.   Throw some headphones in at the local coffee shop or park, and see what or who inspires you.  Just switch it up!

If you’re looking to make changes to your office design, here are some things to think about.  Huddle rooms are a new trend in the workplace, giving employees a small private area to either meet with other coworkers for impromptu meetings or get some separation and quiet from the rest of the office.  They serve as a small retreat for privacy and/or collaboration, depending on whether your office design is more open or private overall.

Mobile furniture is also a great way to provide employees the flexibility to relocate or work in different atmospheres depending on the task at hand.  From storage to tables, there are tons of products to make it easy and comfortable to set up your office almost anywhere!   Stackable chairs and furniture also make it easier to store different things when they’re not in use or pull them out when you need them.  It saves space, but essentially gives you the option to use the rooms you have in many more ways than one!