Earning LEED Points with EthoSource’s Used Office Furniture Solutions



LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design; a rating system developed in 2000 by the United States Green Building Council (www.usgbc.org).  LEED provides building owners and operators with the framework for “green design”, construction, operations and maintenance solutions.  Basically, it’s become the core values for sustainable building design.

Here’s how it works:  LEED is currently operating under its 2009 version.  It’s broken down into rating “systems”.  These include New Construction, Existing Buildings, Commercial Interiors, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Healthcare and Home to name a few.  And each of these rating systems is broken into sub categories. This is where you get your “points” that will push your building towards Certified (40-59 points), to Silver or Gold, even Platinum certified (80-100 total possible points).  You can earn points in areas like Sustainable Sites, Materials & Resources or Indoor Environmental Air Quality.  The newest version of LEED 2012 is on its way, but we’ll discuss that at another time.

Here at EthoSource, we specialize in recycled and remanufactured office furniture, namely Herman Miller Ethospace.  Through our office furniture liquidation process, we have filled a 100,000 square foot warehouse with the pieces and parts from Herman Miller’s Ethospace systems office furniture, along with desk sets, filing, conference tables and more.  So, how can EthoSource help you (or your building) gain LEED certification?  Well, this all comes down to which rating system you’re attempting to achie

ve certification under, but there are numerous ways remanufactured office furniture can get you there!


Materials & Resources Credit 1.1: Tenant Space – Long Term Commitment

Credit Intent: Encourage choices that will conserve resources, reduce waste and reduce the environmental impacts of tenancy as they relate to the materials, manufacturing and transport.

Requirement: Tenant commits to remain in the same location for no less than 10 years.

EthoSource contribution:  While EthoSource can’t sign the lease for you, we can provide a start-to-finish solution for the configuration of your space.  With our ability to help you maximize your available square footage, you may find that you have room for growth.  Efficient furnishing of your space may assist in meeting a long term obligation.  The versatility of Ethospace will continue to help throughout the long term lease.


Materials & Resources Credit 3.2 – Materials Reuse Furniture and Furnishings

Credit Intent:  To reuse building materials and products to reduce demand for virgin materials and reduce waste.  Thereby, you are reducing impacts associated with the extraction and processing of virgin resources.

Requirement: Use salvaged, refurbished or used furniture and furnishings for 30% of the total furniture and furnishings budget.

EthoSource contribution: Well, this one sounds like a no-brainer.  At our 100,000 square foot warehouse, we clean, rebuild and refurbish all sorts of used office furniture. Since systems and seating make up a large portion of the office furniture budget, our solutions can be instrumental in achieving credit 3.3.


Materials & Resources Credit 5 – Regional Materials

Credit Intent:  To increase demand for building materials and products that are extracted and manufactured within the region, thereby supporting the regional economy and reducing the environmental impacts resulting from transportation.

Requirement: Option 1: Use a minimum of 20% of the combined value of construction from Division 12 (Furniture) materials and products that are manufactured regionally within a radius of 500 miles.

EthoSource contribution:  Strategically located in Morgantown, PA; EthoSource is within 500 miles of several major cities such as Philadelphia, DC, New York City and others.


Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 6.1 – Controllability of systems: Lighting

Credit Intent:  To provide a high level of lighting system control for individual occupants or groups in multi-occupant spaces (classrooms and conference areas) and promote their productivity, comfort and well-being.

Requirement: Provide individual lighting controls for: 90% (minimum) of the tenant space occupants to enable adjustments to suit individual task needs and preferences.  Provide lighting systems controls for all shared multi-occupant spaces to enable adjustments that meet group needs and preferences.

EthoSource contribution:  Our stations are available with free standing and/or overhead task lighting allowing each individual to control his/her own lighting. This is such an easy credit to achieve!


Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 8.1 Daylighting & Views – Daylighting

Credit Intent:  To provide occupants with a connection between indoor spaces and outdoors through the introduction of daylight and views into the regularly occupied areas of the tenant space.

Requirement:  Achieve day lighting in at least the following spaces:  75% of regularly occupied spaces (1 point) or 90% of occupied spaces (2 points)


Indoor Environmental Quality Credit 8.2: Daylighting & Views – Views for seated spaces

Credit Intent:  To provide the building occupants a connection to the outdoors through the introduction of daylight and views into the regularly occupied areas of the tenant space.

Requirement: Achieve a direct line of sight to the outdoor environment via vision glazing between 30” and 90” above the finished floor for building occupants in 90% of all regularly occupied areas.

EthoSource contribution:  Herman Miller Ethospace can be designed with varying panel heights, using glazed tiles (clear and translucent) and open tiles, can maximize the impact of natural light and preserve occupant views without taking away from the individual workspace.


It should be known that most of these categories have pre-requisite credits, and that remanufactured furniture alone won’t get your building certified.  But, if you ARE working towards LEED certification, or just being environmentally conscious, EthoSource can help you as you strive to achieve your LEED goals.