29029 Everesting Challenge

Our Ethosource leadership team has stepped up to the challenge and participating in this year’s 29029 Everesting Challenge.  This challenge will be run virtually over the next 30 days and will challenge each of us. The goal is to accomplish the challenges put in front of us on a daily basis to gain points.  The points achieved go toward the 29,029 vertical feet of elevation equivalent to climbing Mount Everest. Climb on!

Meet our 29,029 Ethosource Team!

Vertical Feet

Everest Goal:
Go to
Mt Everest in 2021

Walkout Song:

Vertical Feet

Everest Goal:
Body Fat

Walkout Song:

Vertical Feet

Everest Goal:
Run in the
Barkley Fall Classic

Walkout Song:

Vertical Feet

Everest Goal:
Trail Run

Walkout Song: